UBot Studio Video Tutorials


1. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 1

This is the beginnings of the First Steps course. These lessons are designed for all UBot Studio versions and should give you a great introduction to this software. I will be introducing you to the basic interface for UBot Studio. Plus I show you a tool that is free to download and use that will help you in developing bots. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen.

Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:

• Bot Bank
• All major menu items that are important to a beginner
• Browser Commands


2. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 2

We will learn about how we can store information that we will need in developing our bots. I’ll be introducing variables, lists and tables. I will show you exactly how the functions around variables work and what to look out for to avoid errors.This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)Commands Introduced Listed below are the commands explained in this video:

  • Data Commands
  • Set
  • Increment
  • Decrement 
  • Add item to list
  • Clear list
  • Add list to list
  • Flow Commands
  • Alert
  • Variable Functions
  • $list from text 
  • $list from file


3. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 3


This is a continuation of video 2 which talks about variable commands. I also investigate some of the flow commands to teach you how to alter the flow of your program based upon decisions that can be made in the flow commands. Also you will learn advanced list features.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Flow Commands
o Loop
• Variable Functions
o $list total
o $list position
o $next list item
o $previous list item
o $list item
• Data Commands
o Set list position
o Remove from list


4. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 4

Video 4
We will start a new example that will show you how we will plan and build a bot with Ubot Studio. One of the first steps is receiving information from the bot user. I will cover a majority of the most used user interface commands. Plus we will further analyze the flow commands.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• UI Commands
o Ui text box
o Ui block text
o Ui check box
o Ui open file
o Ui save file
o Ui stat monitor
• Flow Commands
o If
o else
• Math Functions
o $eval


5. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 5

We pick up from video four and start to learn how to interact with web pages. This includes initial training on how to scrape information from a web page and interact with simple web forms and controls.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Browser Commands
o Type text
o Click
• Qualifier Functions
o $search page
o $exists
• Flow Commands
o Pause script
o Stop script
• Browser Functions
o $scrape attribute
• File Commands
o Save to file


6. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 6

We start our first project to start tying up the skills taught in the first five videos and further building on them. We will build an account automation bot that will allow us to set up an account with an article directory site. Also, we will introduce how to confirm if we are where we think we are with Ubot.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Account Functions
o $account data
• Text Functions
o $spin
o $nothing
• Browser Functions
o $solve captcha
• Data Commands
o Reset account
• Flow Commands
o Wait
• Math Functions
o $rand


7. Your First Steps Into UBot Studio - Part 7

In this video, we go to the next step and set up email verification for the signup email with the article directory that we are trying to automate. I will show you how to receive emails, verify them using two methods and delete emails after you have verified the emails. Plus you will learn a bit about email formatting and types of email transportation.

I also teach you about the table type variable in Ubot Studio. Finally, you see an example of presenting information manually in the web browser for us to manipulate.

This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

Commands Introduced

Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Email Commands
o Connect to mail server
o Verify emails
o Create table from emails
o Delete emails
• Browser Commands
o Load html
• Data Commands
o Clear table
• Qualifier Functions
o $contains
• Variable Functions
o $table cell
o $table total rows


8. Intermediate Tutorials - 1 - Bot Design With Defines

This is the first part of a new training series where I start to teach you better programming style to build very good bots. I’m going to start with an idea and step through the thought process with you. This has been a requested feature, so there will be times when I try things that just don’t work – expect this to happen when you create bots too!

The bot that is built will be grabbing popular stories in the news from Digg, and then we will do a search on these topics to see how much has been mentioned on it to gauge if this is something we would want to try and monetize with.
You will also see how I work another example of getting information that I need with regular expressions.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

Commands Introduced

Browser Commands
  • o Navigate
  • o Wait for element
  • o If
  • o Return
  • o Else
  • o Comment
  • o Define
  • o Wait for element
  • o Wait for browser event
• Data Commands
  • o Clear list
  • o Add list to list
Browser Functions
  • o $scrape attribute
  • o $element parent
  • • Text Functions
  • o $find regular expression


9. UBot Studio Basic Tutorials – Windows Automation

UBot Basic Tutorials – Windows Automation

We will be covering the commands that can be used to automate Windows. These commands greatly expand the capabilities of Ubot beyond the browser in terms of automation.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Windows Commands
o Click dialog button
o Click mouse
o Close window
o Keyboard event
o Mouse event
o Move mouse
o Set active window
o Set dialog text
o Type keys
Outside Resources Mentioned in Video
Listed below are the resources outside of Ubot Studio mentioned in this video:
• SysExporter - http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/sysexp.html


10. Advanced Tutorial - Regex and UBot Studio - Part 1

Advanced Tutorial – Regex – Part 1
In this video, I approach an advanced topic, regular expressions, to help programmers who have learnt a fair bit already but are struggling at times to get the results in scraping that they are looking for. This video intros what I’ll be teaching in regex or regular expressions and some resources I recommend outside of Ubot Studio to help you learn regex quickly and with minimal pain.

This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• none
Outside Resources Mentioned in Video
Listed below are the resources outside of Ubot Studio mentioned in this video:
• EditPad Lite - http://www.editpadlite.com/
• Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet - http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet/ - download the pdf from the page.


11. Advanced Tutorial - Regex and UBot Studio - Part 2

Advanced Tutorial – Regex – Part 2
This is a continuation of the first video, (part 2 of 3). I start to build the regex examples. I demonstrate how to pull info from a web page and dump it into EditPad to build regular expressions. Next I start to build regular expressions using a method I’ve found to be pretty effective and relatively easy to do.
This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

Commands Introduced

Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Browser Functions
o $document text
• Text Functions
o $find regular expression
Outside Resources Mentioned in Video
Listed below are the resources outside of Ubot Studio mentioned in this video:
• EditPad Lite - http://www.editpadlite.com/
• Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet - http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet/ - download the pdf from the page.


12. Advanced Tutorial - Regex and UBot Studio - Part 3

Advanced Tutorial – Regex – Part 3

This is the final video of a three part series where I approach an advanced topic, regular expressions, to help programmers who have learnt a fair bit already but are struggling at times to get the results in scraping that they are looking for. This video takes what we scraped using regex in the previous video and how to groom the text to be presented the way we want it to be presented. I’ll be showing a few methods to get the job done! I’ll be demonstrating nesting commands in this video as well.

This tutorial is filmed in high definition 720p mode. Select this mode and view it full screen. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)
Commands Introduced
Listed below are the commands explained in this video:
• Variable Functions
o $next list item
o $list position
• Text Functions
o $replace
o $new line
o $replace regular expression
o $nothing
o $trim
• Data Commands
o Add item to list
o Add list to list
o Clear list
Outside Resources Mentioned in Video
Listed below are the resources outside of Ubot Studio mentioned in this video:
• EditPad Lite - http://www.editpadlite.com/
• Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet - http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet/ - download the pdf from the page.


13. Quick Tutorial - Automate Your Accounts

Having accounts at different sites on the web is extremely valuable. In this tutorial you'll learn how to automate your account making. This is a must for building your brand across the many places on the internet where you need to promote it. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


14. Quick Tutorial - Know How and When to Push Buttons

Anytime you want to complete a task on the web, you're going to have to interact with a variety of buttons, forms, and fields - or elements. Luckily UBot Studio can find and control them easily and much faster than other software. Watch to learn how. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


15. Quick Tutorial - Use UBot's Built-in Functions

Because UBot Studio was designed with automating the web in mind, it contains certain shortcuts and functions for common activities like automating account creation, reading files on your computer, and more. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


16. Quick Tutorial - Make Bots to Make Decisions For You

The key to intelligent online marketing is having bots that can react to changes on the web. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use UBot Studio's simple conditional options (like "if") to interact with various pages no matter what they are. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


17. Quick Tutorial - Repeat Tasks So You Don't Have To

UBot Studio is designed to do repetitive tasks like account creation and page scraping easily and simply. Learn the quick way to handle these things by watching this tutorial. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


18. Quick Tutorial - Save Info You Want Later

UBot Studio makes it easy to temporarily save nuggets of info for later use, with easy to understand variables. If you want to enter or re-use changing bits of information (a username, the number of times the page has loaded), you can learn how to do that in this quick tutorial. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


19. Quick Tutorial - Use Lists to Make Your Life Easier

Imagine a grocery list or a list of your friends on Facebook. In UBot Studio, you can use these temporary lists of data so you can recall nuggets of information quickly and easily to use in other places. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

Please also visit this link to learn more about the difference between Add List to List and Add Item to List 


20. Quick Tutorial - Grab Info to Get More Done

Imagine that you have a text file with all the usernames of everyone who liked a certain product or website. How much easier would it be to target them with your own accounts? To get that list, you will need to scrape the info and save it easily and quickly using UBot Studio. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


21. Quick Tutorial - Build Tables to Simplify Things

You may encounter info on a website that's arranged in a table, or in rows or columns. Use UBot Studio to save all the info in a nice, neat arrangement and save it for later use. (Great for scraping most sites.) (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


22. Quick Tutorial - Go Full-Auto with Captcha Solving

Whether creating accounts, sending messages, or anything else that requires CAPTCHA solving, use UBot Studio's easy, built-in integration with captcha solving services to get it done fast. (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


23. Quick Tutorial - Use the Email Verification Wizard

UBot Studio's quick and simple email verification wizard will let you scan your emails for similar subject lines, and click links inside those emails with lightning speed. This helps verify accounts instantly and more! (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)


24. Quick Tutorial - Using Shared Scripts Inside the Bot Bank

The UBot Bot Bank is UBot Studio's system for sharing scripts - here's how you can use them, and add to them! (There are visual differences between the version in this video and the latest version of UBot Studio; however, this difference does not affect the commands or their placement.)

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