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About steved

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/10/1960

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    Marin County CA
  • Interests
    triathlon, soccer, IM, making mega millions :-)

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  1. OK - Guess it's just me then http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif Time for another drink.....
  2. BTW Andy it looks like your HTML is all goofed up on your site (at least it was for me in chrome). you may want to check it...
  3. After some serious digging around in the Forums I found the answer - Use the Thread node. But it's not as simple as that - you have to add delays around everything to get it to work properly - as seen in the Dialog Box from HELL thread. For those that will hit this issue, here's a screenshot of the answer:
  4. OK I'm sure the answer is out there! I have a modal dialog box that pops up and the OK button needs to be clicked. I've tried using the click dialog button, but the script stops (because the dialog box is modal) before the click dialog button node. How do I click the button? Here's a screenshot:
  5. I'm trying to integrate UBot with VB.Net - and at the moment most of my code revolves around creation and manipulation of csv's because I can't call Ubot functionality within .Net. Also I'm currently having as issue with uploading a MySQL database clone from my hard drive via PHPmySQL. The import function uses javascript in a frame to locate the file (and I just can't get the JScript to work). I also tried using the SQL window. Works great in the UBot studio environment but fails in a compiled bot (can't find the value attribute) Other ideas: Social bookmarking account creation on the 5
  6. Open office is designed to work the same as MS office - unfortunatelyhttp://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif The issue is that XL only allows comma or tab as delimiters. If you use comma and have commas in your data in a cell then XL will put quotes around it so that it knows not to separate out the commas. Really annoying when you're relying on using that data straight out of XL. I've been frustrated by this so I moved to semi-colon separated, but now can't use any good tools to manipulate the data. So I'm in the process of writing my own editor to allow editi
  7. There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to have a naming convention for your files that ends in a number so that you can add the number to the end of the file name in the loop. For instance if I wanted to use 5 files called OpenMe in a loop I'd call them OpenMe, OpenMe2, OpenMe3,OpenMe4 and OpenMe5. Then I'd set up a variable called#FileName and a counter variable called #Count. At the start of the loop add 1 to the counter variable and set #FileName as #FileName{1} (where {1} is the #Count in a set node. The other way to do it would be to have a file of filenames and just loo
  8. I'd love to help but I can't run compiled bots on my XP pro system http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif Good luck!
  9. Not quite. For a lot of the sites the fields overlap so you'll be able to use UserName, Password and quite a few others for each site. But many of the sites also have extra fields that the others do not - so your UI needs to make sure it gets all of the data needed for the 10 sites. Yes. I always create a 2nd tab that holds the code for all of my subs. When I'm testing I create a 3rd tab called test that has just 1 run sub in it - the sub I want to test. When I'm happy that it's working I add the run sub command to my first (main) tab. So in essence my first tab had the control code fo
  10. I think it's possible - the issue will be that each site has different sign up requirements, and they'll all be calling their fields something different. So you will have to set up a different sub for each site that varies from the standard (a lot of article sites use the same script so the details are the same). In your UI collect all the information that will be needed for every site. Then create a sub for each the different accounts. In your main script call these subs to crate the account. As you find and add more directories all you'll need to do is add a sub then add the run sub comman
  11. I do the same thing for my WHM accounts. But I use a 3rd alternative in that I create a csv in excel that holds my urls, usernames, passwords and all associated content. Then I read these into a table in UBot and loop through the data using the URLs to navigate and the rest of the data to fill in the fields. Then I save back a status that tells me where I am (incase the bot crashes), so that I can re-start the process again. Here's an outline: create table from file if status is go then process navigate set up variables from table (or just fill in form direct from table) if ok then set s
  12. It looks like that would only end up with one entry. If Alex's suggestion does not work, try looping 500 times and adding to a new list. Then just set the text area to the list - it should load all 500 for you
  13. What are you loading the items into? A text box, a website html element, a new list in memory? Looping the way you are looks correct so you just need to add rather than overwrite your target text and how you do that will depend on what the tarhet is
  14. steved

    DHTML events

    ... that'd make a good tutorial - how to use the Java eval function
  15. steved

    DHTML events

    Thanks I'll give that a try. Haven't yet really figured out to use the java script stuff....
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