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  1. I have a text file in this format Email:EmailPassword/UserName:Password How can i make it so it can split this data and return only the username and also the username password separately so i can use it to login to a website. navigate("http://ubotstudio.com/playground/simpleform.aspx", "Wait") clear list(%Accounts) clear list(%AccountList) set(#AppFolder, $special folder("Application"), "Global") add list to list(%Accounts, $list from file("{#AppFolder}\\Data\\Accounts.txt"), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%accountdata) set(#account, $list item(%Accounts, 0), "Global") add item to list
  2. sorry i dont know another way to force a page refresh but ... If you are going to be changing your proxies then it is also a good idea to clear cookies/cache...etc. and when you do that it will show the new ip address when you go to whatismyip.com. I just do a shell command in ubot "c:\ccleaner.exe /AUTO" for clearing the cookies/cache..etc and it works for me. if you dont have ccleaner than i can upload it if you want. The portable version of ccleaner works, i had trouble with the regular one.
  3. Praney did a great job. i would recommend him to anyone who is looking for a good UBot coder. He really knows his stuff and is very professional. He finished the project in about a day or two then he worked with me if i needed any bug fixes. Everything went smooth. Thanks praney, hope to work with you again in the future.
  4. I am looking for a Ubot coder for a personal project. Looking for someone with good experience in making programs. Please PM me for more details about the project. Thanks
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