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About wheraix00

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • OS
    Windows XP
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  • License
    Professional Edition

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  1. If you sell the imagination romance/foreplay program for couples always there are people will buy it. For me it's not true, I would rather bump balls on a sofa all night.
  2. navigate("https://accounts.google.com/SignUp", "Wait") wait(5) click(<(tagname="div" AND innertext="Month")>, "Left Click", "No") click(<(tagname="div" AND innertext=$account data("Birth Month Word"))>, "Left Click", "No") click(<(tagname="div" AND innertext=$account data("Birth Month Word"))>, "Left Click", "No") It's very similar with yours; and tried many many times, each time it works. I think tagname="div" is not needed here, so I don't know why not work each time.
  3. "From what our Tech guys could determine it seem to relate to Registry conflicts (Real and Imaginary). Real as in what we added to the system and the Imaginary came from odd ball things Microsoft was doing." seem to? Your tech guys can't confirm this after all of them passed your desk? What on earth the reason Won't Open On Fresh Install Of 8.1?So I can update to win8 as well and tell everybody wide spread your solution and benefit from this.
  4. Maybe UBOT 5.71 is download something after fresh installation. Wait for 20 minutes and see what happens.
  5. A fast internet connection will not affect studio loading. (Without attacked by DDos.)
  6. navigate("https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=1&tn=baidu&wd=%22ubot%20studio%22&rsv_pq=884ce3480000344e&rsv_t=0b50uo%2BuDFbacXzWa6iqhQbDjvkGDvxRiAyWozrlrvwplwsejQbDuw6ERYs&rsv_enter=0&rsv_sug3=8&rsv_sug1=1&inputT=6292&rsv_sug4=7564&rsv_sug=1", "Wait") change attribute(<(tagname="a" AND innertext="UBot Studio 5: Build Web Automation and Marketing Software")>, "target", "") click(<(tagname="a" AND innertext="UBot Studio 5: Build Web Automation and Marketing Software")>, "Left Click", "No") I learned this trick about more than o
  7. change attribute(<username field>, "value", "") change attribute(<(tagname="input" AND type="text")>, "value", "")
  8. Just curious, has the "bug" been fixed now?
  9. Fellow "Frank" --hook into-- hot C#...
  10. The truth is, Seth and Co (who is this?) fed the search function to me and I've ate it. How could they fix this? LOL.
  11. Sorry dude. Haven't read it carefully. Have to admit I'm little "slow“ now . Are you using Mail Basic? What user agent ?
  12. Table seems has a problem. Not so easy to turn table cell's value into "variable". I've tried this long time ago. Can't recall the details now. One thing is for sure, in order to get maximum accuracy, 1 file is not enough. Xrumer's default association file and user's custum association file -- althought file's names are different, to some extent, still the same. (If trying solve all just with one file.)
  13. A table contains field name/text - value pair is a good idea. Or build/integrate independent one for each individual website.
  14. Hi thanks. I will try your advice. "find element by taking a picture"--OH WOW
  15. Can't find <class="composeicon">. yaelerobertsonvrv@yahoo.com----vtefaYHr6carly_kingxncb@yahoo.com----UrPgfdUhr Try: choose an element by taking a picture of it in the browser?
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