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Convert Table to HTML view?

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I'm looking for a way to format the content of a table into good looking  HTML code.

So that I can show it in the ubot browser via load HTML.



The html table code could be like:

<table border="2" bordercolor="F91E1E" style="background-color:EFEFEF" width="450" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
<td>Table Cell</td>
I'm looking for a define that is able to generate that HTML code dynamically depending on the amount of rows / columns in a table.
Maybe someone has done something like that already? if not, I will start working on it.
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schau mal ob dir das was taugt schon lange nicht mehr benutzt...


plugin command("Open.Framework_new.dll", "Structure Container", "JSON LIST") {
    clear list(%jsonlist)
    add list to list(%jsonlist, $list from text(#TABLE or LIST, $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
    clear list(%json_columnnames)
    add list to list(%json_columnnames, $list from text(#COLUMNNAMES, ","), "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
    clear list(%JSONLISTclean)
    set(#JSON recid name, "recid:", "Global")
    set(#JSON recid counter, 1, "Global")
    loop($list total(%jsonlist)) {
        set(#list_record, $next list item(%jsonlist), "Global")
        clear list(%list_record)
        add list to list(%list_record, $list from text(#list_record, #SEPARATOR), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
        set(#list_record_total, $list total(%list_record), "Global")
        set(#list_record_total_counter, 0, "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "\{{#JSON recid name} {#JSON recid counter},", "Global")
        set(#jsonval counter, 0, "Global")
        loop($list total(%list_record)) {
            set(#item, $list item(%list_record, #jsonval counter), "Global")
            if($comparison(#list_record_total, "=", #list_record_total_counter)) {
                then {
                else {
                    set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}f{$change text casing($list item(%json_columnnames, #jsonval counter), "Lower Case")}: \"{#item}\", ", "Global")
            increment(#jsonval counter)
        set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}\},", "Global")
        set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ", \}", "\}"), "Global")
        set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ",\}", "\}"), "Global")
        add item to list(%JSONLISTclean, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        set list position(%list_record, 0)
        increment(#JSON recid counter)
    clear list(%jsonlist)
    clear list(%list_record)
    clear list(%json_tmp)
    set list position(%json_columnnames, 0)
    set(#jsonsize, $divide(100, $list total(%json_columnnames)), "Global")
    set(#jsonsize, "{#jsonsize}%", "Global")
    set(#jsonval, "\{ field: 'recid', caption: 'ID', size: '50px', sortable: true \},", "Global")
    add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
    loop($list total(%json_columnnames)) {
        set(#json_col, $next list item(%json_columnnames), "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "\{field: 'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}', caption: '{#json_col}', size:'{#jsonsize}',sortable: true, resizable: true, editable: \{ type: 'text' \}\},", "Global")
        add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        set(#jsearch, "\{field: \'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}\', caption: \'{#json_col}\', type:\'text\'\},", "Global")
        add item to list(%jsearch, #jsearch, "Delete", "Global")
    set(#jsonval, %json_tmp, "Global")
    set(#jsearch, %jsearch, "Global")
    set(#jsonrec, %JSONLISTclean, "Global")
    set(#jsonval, "name: \'grid\', 
show: \{ 
	toolbar: true,
	footer: true,
	toolbarAdd: true,
	toolbarDelete: true,
	toolbarSave: true,
	fixedBody: false,

toolbar: \{
	onClick: function (target, data) \{console.log(target)\}

searches: [


sortData: [\{ field: \'recid\', direction: \'ASC\' \}],

columns: [





	]", "Global")
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
<script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/jquery.min.js\"></script>
<script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js\"></script>
<script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.js\"></script>
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.css\" />
<div id=\"MyList\"></div>
$(function ()\{

var winheight = $(window).height();
$(\'#MyList\').css(\'height\', winheight-20);
document.title = \'My List\';


", "Global")
    set(#jsonrec, $nothing, "Global")
    set(#jsonval, $nothing, "Global")
    clear list(%JSONLISTclean)

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if you have my sqlite plugin you can use table to html function

I have that one. It's realy nice. The problem I have with that is, that it doesn't add any borders around the table cells. 

So it's a little bit hard for users to see what belongs to what.


would that be something you could add Aymen?



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Ok, I wrote a short function to convert a table into a HTML table.

You can change the look and feel of the table by just changing the html table options in the last "load html" command:


define CreateTable {
    set(#RowPosition, 0, "Global")
    loop($table total rows(&reportingdata)) {
        set(#Cellposition, 0, "Global")
        loop($table total columns(&reportingdata)) {
<td>{$table cell(&reportingdata#RowPosition#Cellposition)}</td>""Global")
    load html("<table border=\"2\" bordercolor=\"F91E1E\" style=\"background-color:EFEFEF\" width=\"450\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\">
</table>        ")






Edited by dan
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Ok, I wrote a short function to convert a table into a HTML table.

You can change the look and feel of the table by just changing the html table options in the last "load html" command:


define CreateTable {


    set(#RowPosition, 0, "Global")

    loop($table total rows(&reportingdata)) {



        set(#Cellposition, 0, "Global")

        loop($table total columns(&reportingdata)) {


<td>{$table cell(&reportingdata#RowPosition#Cellposition)}</td>""Global")







    load html("<table border=\"2\" bordercolor=\"F91E1E\" style=\"background-color:EFEFEF\" width=\"450\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\">


</table>        ")







Very handy Dan - Thanks for that.

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  • 1 year later...

schau mal ob dir das was taugt schon lange nicht mehr benutzt...



plugin command("Open.Framework_new.dll", "Structure Container", "JSON LIST") {
    clear list(%jsonlist)
    add list to list(%jsonlist, $list from text(#TABLE or LIST, $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
    clear list(%json_columnnames)
    add list to list(%json_columnnames, $list from text(#COLUMNNAMES, ","), "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
    clear list(%JSONLISTclean)
    set(#JSON recid name, "recid:", "Global")
    set(#JSON recid counter, 1, "Global")
    loop($list total(%jsonlist)) {
        set(#list_record, $next list item(%jsonlist), "Global")
        clear list(%list_record)
        add list to list(%list_record, $list from text(#list_record, #SEPARATOR), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
        set(#list_record_total, $list total(%list_record), "Global")
        set(#list_record_total_counter, 0, "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "\{{#JSON recid name} {#JSON recid counter},", "Global")
        set(#jsonval counter, 0, "Global")
        loop($list total(%list_record)) {
            set(#item, $list item(%list_record, #jsonval counter), "Global")
            if($comparison(#list_record_total, "=", #list_record_total_counter)) {
                then {
                else {
                    set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}f{$change text casing($list item(%json_columnnames, #jsonval counter), "Lower Case")}: \"{#item}\", ", "Global")
            increment(#jsonval counter)
        set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}\},", "Global")
        set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ", \}", "\}"), "Global")
        set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ",\}", "\}"), "Global")
        add item to list(%JSONLISTclean, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        set list position(%list_record, 0)
        increment(#JSON recid counter)
    clear list(%jsonlist)
    clear list(%list_record)
    clear list(%json_tmp)
    set list position(%json_columnnames, 0)
    set(#jsonsize, $divide(100, $list total(%json_columnnames)), "Global")
    set(#jsonsize, "{#jsonsize}%", "Global")
    set(#jsonval, "\{ field: 'recid', caption: 'ID', size: '50px', sortable: true \},", "Global")
    add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
    loop($list total(%json_columnnames)) {
        set(#json_col, $next list item(%json_columnnames), "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "\{field: 'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}', caption: '{#json_col}', size:'{#jsonsize}',sortable: true, resizable: true, editable: \{ type: 'text' \}\},", "Global")
        add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        set(#jsearch, "\{field: \'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}\', caption: \'{#json_col}\', type:\'text\'\},", "Global")
        add item to list(%jsearch, #jsearch, "Delete", "Global")
    set(#jsonval, %json_tmp, "Global")
    set(#jsearch, %jsearch, "Global")
    set(#jsonrec, %JSONLISTclean, "Global")
    set(#jsonval, "name: \'grid\', 
show: \{ 
	toolbar: true,
	footer: true,
	toolbarAdd: true,
	toolbarDelete: true,
	toolbarSave: true,
	fixedBody: false,

toolbar: \{
	onClick: function (target, data) \{console.log(target)\}

searches: [


sortData: [\{ field: \'recid\', direction: \'ASC\' \}],

columns: [





	]", "Global")
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
<script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/jquery.min.js\"></script>
<script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js\"></script>
<script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.js\"></script>
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.css\" />
<div id=\"MyList\"></div>
$(function ()\{

var winheight = $(window).height();
$(\'#MyList\').css(\'height\', winheight-20);
document.title = \'My List\';


", "Global")
    set(#jsonrec, $nothing, "Global")
    set(#jsonval, $nothing, "Global")
    clear list(%JSONLISTclean)


I know that this is a bit old, but what is it about?

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